Genealogy Collection



The Shell Rock Community Historical Society was formed in 2006, to salvage a historic house in Shell Rock.  The house was in a flood plain and was deemed historically significant by the Iowa Historical Society.   Money was raised, a lot purchased and on June 23, 2006, the house was moved to 127 E. Adair St., just across from the school in Shell Rock. The museum opened July 4, 2007, with over 350 visitors that weekend.  Since then, the museum has opened from May to October for visits, and as contacted for special tours.

The mission of the Society is to preserve history for future generations of Shell Rock residents.  The 1920's Craftsman-style house is used to house historical artifacts. Pictures dealing with Shell Rock's history, belongings, tools, agricultural implements, books, school items, etc., are sought to use for future exhibits.

Anyone is invited to join the Society.  All are welcome.  We are always looking for help in our projects.  Volunteers are sought to guide in the museum.  Let us know where you are interested and we will get you involved.


Linda at